
Visit of the Students from the USA

As a part of their study visit to the relevant institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a group of students from the Northwestern University, Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, USA, visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today


President Valerija Galić attended International Conference in Skopje

Delegacija Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine, u sastavu: predsjednica Ustavnog suda BiH Valerija Galić i šefica Odjeljenja za ustavnosudsku praksu Ermina Dumanjić, prisustvovala je ceremoniji i učestvovala u radu Međunarodne konferencije o temi „Ustavnosudska zaštita slobode misli i slobode javnog izražavanja misli“ koja je 15. marta 2024. godine održana u Skoplju


Announcement of a press conference

Please be advised that the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be holding a press conference at the plenary sessions’ room of the Constitutional Court of BiH, 6/III Reisa Džemaludina Čauševića Street, Sarajevo, on 22 March 2024 between the hours of 10:00 and 11:00


Vice-President Mirsad Ćeman at the Conference in Riga

a delegation of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, consisting of Vice-President Mirsad Ćeman and the Head of the Office of President, Ms. Erda Začiragić, took part in the International Conference on the topic “The Role of the Constitutional Courts in Concretising the Shared Values Uniting Europe”


The Constitutional Court of BiH held a seminar for its staff on the topic of “Gender-based violence and femicide — prevention and protection”

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“the CC of BiH”) held a seminar for its staff on the topic of “Gender-based violence and femicide — prevention and protection" in Tarčin on 27-29 February 2024


Press release

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been exposed to various political attacks and pressures for years. In the last year and a half, those pressures have reached a point of culmination where the vacant judicial positions have not been filled


Visit of the State Minister for Europe and Climate at the German Federal Foreign Office to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Yesterday, on 8 February 2024, the President of the Constitutional Court, Valerija Galić, received for an official visit the State Minister for Europe and Climate at the German Federal Foreign Office, Dr Anna Luehrmann, and His Excellency, the German Deputy Ambassador, Bernhard Abels, with their associates


President Galić on a working visit to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg

Ms. Valerija Galić, President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Ms. Erda Začiragić, Head of Office of the President, were on a working visit to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on the occasion of opening of the judicial year of the European Court
