
Visit of the delegation of the Court of the Jurisdictional Disputes of the Republic of Turkey

The delegation of the Court of the Jurisdictional Disputes of the Republic of Turkey, led by the President of the Court, Serdar Ȍzgüldür, paid a visit today to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a part of the study visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina More

The New Official Website of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The official website of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been reconstructed and fully redesigned with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Bosnia and Herzegovina by way of using the grant funds intended for implementation of the BHZ-13\/0019 Project entitled “Support to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina” which was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway More

President Ceman at the XVII Congress of Conference of the European Constitutional Courts

Mirsad Ceman, the President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the XVII Congress of the Conference of the European Constitutional Courts which was held this year in Batumi in Georgia, from 9 until 12 September 2015 More

Working Meeting with Secretary General of Venice Commission

Mr. Thomas Markert, the Secretary General of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) has visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today More

Working meeting with the Chair of the Council of Ministers of BiH

President of the Constitutional Court of BiH, Mirsad Ceman, Vice-President, Zlatko M. Knezevic and Assistant Secretary General, Mira Pekmez met today with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denis Zvizdic and the associates More

Visit of the delegation of the OSCE led by Corien Jonker

Delegation of the OSCE, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE-ODIHR), led by Ms. Corien Jonker, Head of the Election Observation Mission at the General Elections 2014 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has paid a working visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today More

President Ćeman and Judge Galić at the International Symposium in Ankara

President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mirsad Ceman and Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Valerija Galic, upon invitation of the President of the Court of Jurisdictional Disputes of the Republic of Turkey, attended the International Symposium on the occasion of celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Court held in Ankara from 12 to 15 June 2015 More

Visit of President of Supreme Judicial Council and Supreme Court of the State of Palestine

President of the Supreme Judicial Council and Supreme Court of the State of Palestine paid a visit yesterday to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was accompanied by the Ambassador of the State of Palestine in BiH, H.E. Riziq N.M. Nammourah with associates More