Mirsad Ceman, the President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the XVII Congress of the Conference of the European Constitutional Courts which was held this year in Batumi in Georgia, from 9 until 12 September 2015.
The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has become the member of the Conference of the European Constitutional Courts during the preparatory meeting of the XII Congress of the European Constitutional Courts held in 2000 in Brussels. Since then the Constitutional Court of BiH has regularly attended the sessions of the Congress (Brussels 2002, Nicosia 2005, Vilnius 2008, Bucharest 2011 and Vienna 2014).
President Ceman took part in the preparatory meeting of the Circle of Presidents of the Congress of the European Constitutional Courts and International conference entitled: “Application of International Treaties by Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies: Challenges to the Dialogue” organized by the Constitutional Court of Georgia.
That was an extremely important event which brought together the presidents and judges of the European constitutional courts and equivalent bodies, the presidents and members of the international institutions and other reputable persons.
The President of Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina used his participation in the preparatory meeting and international conference to meet, in the margins of the events, the judges of the constitutional courts of other countries and, on that occasion, exchanged the views with other participants on the current topics of constitutional judiciary in the relevant countries and the rest of the region.