Posjeta ombudsmena Bosne i Hercegovine

On 11 October 2022, the newly appointed Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dr Jasmina Džumhur, Ms. Nives Jukić and Dr Nevenko Vranješ paid an official visit to the Constitutional Court and were received by the President of the Constitutional Court Ms. Valerija Galić and Vice-Presidents Mr. Miodrag Simović and Mr. Mirsad Ćeman.

President Galić and Vice-Presidents Simović and Ćeman presented the facts on the constitutional position, organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court of BiH, appellate and abstract jurisdiction, as well as relevant statistics on the work of the Constitutional Court. They also discussed the place and role of the Constitutional Court of BiH in the constitutional structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the importance of decisions of the Constitutional Court of BiH in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, they underlined the importance of the decisions implementation. Both parties expressed their will and enthusiasm for advancement of the current cooperation between the Constitutional Court of BiH and the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH particularly in terms of human rights protection and fundamental freedoms.

The Ombudsmen expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to pay the visit, exchange opinions and information and conveyed their wishes for the successful continuation of the work of the Constitutional Court.

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