Visit of the Ambassador, Head of the OSCE Election Observation Mission

His Excellency, Ambassador Peter Tejler, Head of Election Observation Mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and his associates paid a visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today.

His Excellency, Ambassador Tejler was received by President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Valerija Galić and Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and their associates.

President Galić and Vice-President Ćeman informed Ambassador of the facts about the constitutional position, organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as about the competences and case law of the Constitutional Court relating to elections and the electoral process in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ambassador Tejler extended his gratitude for the reception, exchange of opinion and information he received from President Galić and Vice-President Ćeman during the visit, and wished the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina success in its future work.

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