Visit of Delegation of Secretariat of Council of Europe

A delegation of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe, which is currently visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina to establish the facts related the 18th Report on the harmonization of responsibilities and obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and implementation of the Post-accession Cooperation Program, paid a working visit to the President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Mirsad Ćeman and his colleagues.

The mentioned delegation consisted of the following members: Mr. Deaniil Khoshabo, Deputy to the Director of the Directorate of Political Affairs, Ms. Biljana Prlja, Political Advisor of the Directorate, and Ms. Mary Ann Hennessey, Head of Office of the Council of Europe in BiH.

The subject of the visit was the functioning of judicial institutions within the framework of progress in fulfilment of the post-accession requirements which Bosnia and Herzegovina undertook as an obligation at the moment of joining the Council of Europe.

A particular attention was paid to the issue of enforcement of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this connection, the importance of enforcement of court decisions as an important mechanism for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms was also highlighted.


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