Agenda of the 116th Plenary session

Having regard to Articles 10 and 36 of the Rules of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Revised Text (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 94/14)

I hereby convene

116th Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
for 4 October 2019
commencing at 9:30 hrs


I. Adoption of the Minutes of 115th Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court of BiH held on 5 July 2019

II. Deliberation of U cases

1. U-5-19

Request of 15 Members of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the review of the constitutionality of the provision of Article 9(7) of the Law on Road Transport (Official Gazette of the Republika Srpska, 47/17)

2. U-6-19

Request of the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo for the review of the compatibility of Article 2 paragraphs 2 and 3 and Article 4 of the Law on the Amount of Default Interest Applicable to Unsettled Debts (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 56/04, 68/04, 29/05 and 48/11) with Article II(3)(e) and (k) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Article 6 paragraph 1 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention and Article 1(2) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina

3. U-7-19

Request of the Bosniac People Caucus in the Council of Peoples of the Republika Srpska for the review of the constitutionality of Article 11(2) of the Constitution of the Republika Srpska

III Deliberation of AP cases

1. AP-3789-16 ("Sa Dagitim" d.o.o. Kresevo)

2. AP-4061-16 (Mr. Mladen Zdrale)

3. AP-379-17 (Hrvatska Posta d.o.o. Mostar)

4. AP-1082-17 (Ms. Senita Sehercehajic)

5. AP-1679-17 (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti BiH - Academy of Sciences and Arts of BiH)

6. AP-4538-17 ("BL SJAJ" d.o.o. Banja Luka)

7. AP-4157-18 (Mr. Drago Simic)

8. AP-561-19 (Mr. Borislav Soldat)

9. AP-198-17 (Antonic Trade d.o.o. Laktasi)

4. Miscellaneous

Zlatko M. Knezevic

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina


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