Visit of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation \r\nto Bosnia and Herzegovina

His Excellency Petr Anatoljević Ivancov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bosnia and Herzegovina paid a working visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 20 December 2018.

His Excellency Ambassador Ivancov was received by President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zlatko M. Knežević and Secretary General of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Nataša Vuković.

President Knežević and Ambassador Ivancov talked about the position of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the constitutional structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina and importance of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They paid a particular attention to the obligation related to the enforcement of the Court’s decisions by the relevant authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. President Knežević and Ambassador Ivancov also talked about successful cooperation between the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. During the visit Ambassador Ivancov handed over an invitation of Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Aleksandar Konovalov to President Knežević to participate in the IX International Judicial Forum, which will be held in Saint Petersburg from 14 to 18 May 2019.

Ambassador Ivancov expressed his gratitude to President Knežević for the reception, exchange of views and information he received during the visit. He drew attention to the importance of the role of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and expressed his best wishes for success in the future work of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


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