Visit of Students of the Law Faculty of the University of Sarajevo and Members of the ELSA, Sarajevo


Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina continues with a very successful cooperation with the student organizations of the Law Schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina enabling students to improve knowledge about the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina they have obtained during their studies at the law schools. As a part of that successful cooperation, the Constitutional Court organized a visit of two groups of 30 students per each group of the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo and members of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) Sarajevo.

At the proposal of the ELSA Sarajevo, the visit was organized with the aim of enabling the students to become acquainted with the jurisdictions, organization and work of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina through discussions.

Discussions on the aforesaid subjects with the students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo and members of the ELSA Sarajevo were led by Zvonko Mijan, Registrar of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sevima Sali-Terzic, Senior Legal Advisor of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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