122nd Plenary Session

122nd Plenary Session

On 15 and 16 July 2021, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 122nd Plenary Session at which it considered the requests for review of constitutionality and appeals.

From the decisions adopted at the Plenary Session, the Constitutional Court singles out the following:

U-11/19 - The Constitutional Court, in deciding on the request of Milorad Dodik, a Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina to review the constitutionality of the Law on Amending the Law on the Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 23/04), found that the impugned law is in accordance with Article I (6) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina because in this particular case it is not a decision, i.e. a law of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, which determines the flag as a symbol of Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of type, design and shape of the symbol, but a law that regulates in a different way the issue of display of the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the issue of non-compliance with certain legal provisions by prescribing misdemeanor liability.

U-16/20 - The Constitutional Court, in deciding on the request of 24 members of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to resolve the dispute between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska, issued a partial Decision on Admissibility and Merits. The Constitutional Court ordered the Concessions Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in its capacity as the Joint Concessions Commission, to resolve the disputes between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska, arising in connection with the award of concessions, no later than three months from the date of delivery of this decision.

AP-166/18 - The Constitutional Court found a violation of the prohibition of discrimination. The ordinary courts did not deny the existence of two schools in one school building, but interpreted it solely as an administrative issue and not as an issue of separation of children on ethnic grounds in the educational process.

All decisions adopted at the Plenary Session will be delivered to the applicants/appellants within one month and published as soon as possible on the website of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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